

Creative event offerings for groups, teams and corporates


Bespoke nature journaling experiences for groups

An immersive Nature Journaling Experience, tailored to the needs and preferences of your people, can help promote wellbeing, creativity and community building; provide a space to relax and decompress, and learn useful tools that can be used in the workplace, for self-care.

The Nature Journaling Experience comprises a range of services that can be tailored to your specific needs, including:

  • Nature journaling workshops

  • Mini plenary presentations

  • The ‘Giant Drawing Table’,

  • Custom nature journaling kits for teams or organisations.

Nature Journaling Workshops for teams and groups

Small group guided sessions for collaborative team building. Attendees learn to observe and depict nature in a personal journal.

Facilitators provide techniques for sketching, annotating, and reflective writing. Artistic ’talent’ is definitely not a prerequisite for learning, enjoying and gaining useful skills

The Giant Nature Table

A collaborative artistic space suitable for conferences and larger events where attendees can engage in freeform expression, using provided premium art supplies to capture their experiences and observations. The Drawing Table provides opportunities to capture images which can be ideal for social media sharing and other collateral